Lean Six Sigma in Continuous Process Industry
Lean Six Sigma (LSS) has been successfully implemented in continuous process industry such as chemical plants, oil & gas plants and petrochemical plants.
The following are some examples of LSS applicability:
– improving overall yield of each shift
– reducing scrap or spilled materials
– improving the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) & reliability of process equipment, which in turn reducing the process failures or breakdowns. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM )is required to achieve this.
– increasing plant capacity utilization
– improving operator productivity
– reducing time to restart the process after failure or scheduled maintenance.
– creating mechanisms to prevent failures at each stage. Mistake proofing( Poka Yoke) technique is required to achieved this.
– improving overall process stability and control
– improve overall end-to-end ( order to delivery) lead time
LSS has been implemented in many different industries with great success. Some of the industries are as follows:
- Lean Six Sigma in Manufacturing
- Lean Six Sigma in Service Industry
- Lean Six Sigma in Shared Service Centres (SSC)
- Lean Six Sigma for Research & Development (R&D)
- Lean Six Sigma in Government / Public Sector
There are many useful Lean Six Sigma tools within the LSS toolbox. However, for LSS implementation to be successful, do not focus only on the tools but instead strike a balance between two important components of LSS – technical tools as well as soft skills.
Lean Six Sigma Training and Consultancy Services
Kaizen Consulting Group provides in-depth training and full working knowledge of Lean Six Sigma and the most useful Lean Six Sigma tools. Check out our Lean Six Sigma Training programmes now.